Autumn Inspirational Message — At the Jersey Shore — The New GTL!
Jersey Shore Inspirational Message:
GTL Gratitude Transformation and Love
You may have heard of GTL, gym, tanning, and laundry, but as we transition to Fall 2022 and Winter 2023, here’s a new version of GTL.
Gratitude: Where focus goes energy flows, when you focus on gratitude, you will find you have more and more to feel grateful for. Identifying, concentrating, and expressing gratitude for the blessings in our life re-calibrates our mindset and emotions. Suddenly when we adopt a mindset of gratitude, the proportional magnitude of extraneous or insignificant things that are bothering us wash away like a sand castle in the rising tide. Expressing gratitude centers us, it re-connects us with what is truly important. Studies have shown that focusing on gratitude can reduce your stress level and improve your overall mood.
Today we are bombarded by advertising, and much of it is convert advertising in the form of social media. If you looked at social media you would think that every single person but you lives in a beautiful, immaculate, newly renovated home, they look perfect, constantly travel, and have perfect, happy children and the perfect romantic relationship. Nothing could be further from the truth, and while some people successfully monetize and navigate that arena, most of them would tell you outright that it’s not real, it’s curated, edited version of the human experience. At the root, is a desire to inspire envy and a feeling of not being enough. That feeling of inadequacy makes you the perfect consumer, one that will buy things that you can’t afford, or don’t even really want, and even worse buy into a consumerist lifestyle where the only reward is inspiring envy in others.
Many cultures actually view inspiring envy in others as the source of happiness, and this is really so sad, and it’s a great example of the crabs in a bucket mentality. When a crab tries to escape the bucket, the other crabs will attack and devour it, rather than let it escape. This way of thinking is so destructive because it eliminates the feeling of self-satisfaction, and tuning into your own divine truth, and makes you live your life inside out and backwards, living for other people’s approval. The worst thing about social media is that many people are striving to live for other people’s approval that they don’t even know, and may even just be bots, not even a real human being.
Mark Twain famously stated that comparison is the death of joy, and boy is that true. So rather than look through the little window into other people’s lives known as social media, look into your own life. The grass isn’t greener on the other side of the fence, the grass is green where you water it. Don’t focus on looking at people’s big, expensively decorated homes, make your home, and the life you live in that home, the very best it can be, and you can be sure you’ll become happier and enjoy it more and more. A great, practical, way to inspire a feeling of gratitude is to make a short list every morning of what you are grateful for, you will find that this very small act of mindset and paradigm shifting is so incredibly powerful, so today, adopt a mindset of gratitude.
Transformation: When I talk about transformation I’m going all in, mind, body, and spirit. Mental transformation in the form of mindset and paradigm shift, Physical transformation through healthy foundational habits like getting enough deep restful sleep, exercising, and eating clean healthy food in small portions, and most important of all spiritual transformation. Input begets output, it’s easy to see the connection between going to bed early, working out, drinking water, and eating a salad for dinner, even just the next day you’ll look slightly better, and feel tremendously better, but our spirit also needs to consume healthy, inspirational ideas and visions.
The language of the spirit is one of passionate emotions, and stirring calls to action, most powerfully are ones for the good of our closest loved ones and the greater good at large. Our spirits are like empty vessels, and they become filled by the ideas and messages we consume, and in that way they are neutral, bad input can put us in a low-spiritual state, and grand, inspirational ideas and messages fill our spirit and elevate us towards spiritual enlightenment, spiritual awakening, and spiritual transformation. The best part about mental, physical, and spiritual transformation is that instead of becoming a completely different person that you won’t recognize, you’ll become a better, stronger, more clear-headed, more inspired, gentler, more lovable, and more loving version of yourself. And all of those aspects of yourself that are negative, will just recede through the mists of time and fall away, leaving only those incredible, amazing, and inspiring attributes that make you a beacon of light in a dark world.
Love: Love is the greatest, strongest, most powerful force in the world. Never give up on love, and when you heart is open, love will always find it’s way in. You don’t have to be in a romantic relationship to have love in your life, there is so much love in the world, and it’s infinite and abundant. So tune into love, reach out to someone who needs a little bit of extra love, give your pets some extra love, take a little more time in your interactions with people and really tune into them and be completely present with them. When you give someone your full attention, and take interest in them, you’re giving them the validation that they matter, they are worth listening to, and sadly you may be the only person who does that in a given day, week, or even month. Especially if you have children, give them your full attention, put down your phone, let the dishes sit in the sink, and give them your undivided attention.
If you are in a relationship, give your partner a little bit of extra love, show them that in a cold and uncaring world that you do care, and don’t let them wonder about how you feel, tell the you love them. Most importantly when you express love for another person, do it with absolutely no expectations. Everyone is on their own path, within their own comfort zone, and if you don’t feel the love you give returned to you, it may very well hurt, but at least you’ll know that you didn’t hold back, you’re not afraid to express love, and no matter what you have a loving relationship with the most important person of all, yourself.
So this fall remember my inspirational message from here on the Jersey Shore, forget Gym, Tanning , Laundry, although 2 of those things are always great to do. This fall, let’s remember Gratitude, Transformation of Mind, Body & Spirit, and most importantly Love. Never give up on love, and don’t ever forget to love the most person important person of all, and that is you. You are enough! You are worth it! You are not only worthy of love, you are love itself.
Thank you so much for spending time with me here on my channel, Desert Mountain Apothecary.
Until next time, and with lots of love,
William Z. Brennan
About Desert Mountain Apothecary: The original desert apothecary for mind, body & spirit: desert roots & desert mountain botanicals: Desert Mountain Apothecary by William Z. Brennan. Supremely natural natural skincare & botanical fragrance hand made with love from the purest natural source plant-based ingredients.
About William Z. Brennan: William Z. Brennan is a natural lifestyle expert, founder of Desert Mountain Apothecary & author of upcoming e-book Natural Lifestyle Optimization. Originally from New York, and with a background in fragrance, skincare, fashion design & bespoke mens tailoring, he is now based in the Southern California Desert.
About Natural Lifestyle Optimization: William Z. Brennan is the author of upcoming e-book Natural Lifestyle Optimization, a new way of harnessing habits and routines towards a transformation and renewal of mind, body & spirit. Pre-order your copy of Natural Lifestyle Optimization today!
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Credits: All of the content in this video was created & solely owned by Desert Mountain Apothecary except for the following music: